Peppa Pig is a British preschool animated series by Astley Baker Davis. The show revolves around Peppa, the anthropomorphic pig, her family and peers. The show originally aired on May 31, 2004. The seventh season kicked off on March 5, 2021. Peppa Pig has been broadcast in over 180 countries.
Printable Peppa Pig Coloring Pages
Peppa herself has been voiced by several different actresses over the years. Lily Snowden-Fine voiced her voice in season 1 and Cecily Bloom in season 2, then Harley Bird, who was five when she first started, got the role for thirteen years before retiring after season six. She was replaced by Amelie Bea Smith. John Sparks, Morwenna Banks, Richard Readings, Oliver May and Alice May also provide their votes. On this page you will find and download Peppa Pig Coloring Pages absolutely free of charge.